lördag 21 december 2013

You looked into my eyes and you took my breath
Healed my soul, a beautiful memory

 I will always be here for you no matter what

I miss you so, you made me glow
You are the reason to follow through Things they will change but memories remain,
I miss you
I dream of the past sometimes and if I could
I would rewind and play another card
To erase the reason why you´re not here

I miss you so, you made me glow

 You are the reason to follow through Things they will change but memories remain,
 I miss you
I have to start from the beginning and slow down to catch my breath
You made me believe that I can move mountains if I only have faith I´ll do my best though
 I miss you so!

Broken door.

Precis så, jag är halv och trasig utan dig, du fattas mig.

Varje gång vi sluter ögonen, kan vi se dig
Varje gång vinden blåser igenom håret, kan vi höra dig.
Varje gång solen värmer oss, känner vi dig.
Varje gång hjärtat slår, bär vi dig med oss.
Varje dag och natt, sol som regn, finns du vid vår sida


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